who's at church - a poem


Who’s at Church on the Last Day of the Year Today – A Poem

She was alone,
But she smiled at a friend.
Her makeup was dark,
But her smile was light.

He had a ponytail,
But he took it out.
He raised his hands
And said things out loud.

She had on a long skirt that swayed
And raised her hands as well.
But they were facing her,
And then she put glasses on.

He wore red pants,
He didn’t sing all the songs
And he kept his scarf on and
He gave no money.

Marty Coleman, 12/29/13 – 1/3/14

I was going to show her the drawing as I left the balcony at church but she saw some friends and I didn’t want to interrupt. I saw her on the way out of the church a while later and showed it to her then. She seemed happy about it, though one can never be completely sure of those things.