Moment of Relaxation


Nina and Tuaca

Last year my friend and fellow napkin artist, Nina Levy, submitted and won the annual Tuaca Napkin Contest (Tuaca is a liqueur).  She couldn’t submit again this year so she encouraged me to enter and I came up with this napkin as my entry.  Here is her winning entry from last year.

Why Lions

I included lions because the research I did showed the lion was integral to the Tuaca company heritage as an icon and a brand identifier. Other than that addition I pretty much drew a nice moment to enjoy a cool drink on the rocks.  

Sharing and Winning

It will be up online at the Tuaca Napkin Gallery as soon as they see it doesn’t break their rules (I can’t show a drunk human or lion for example) and/or not perverse in some way. I hope you will go there and share my napkin on your social media platforms. While there isn’t a formal voting element to the contest I would hope a lot of shares might indicate to the judges the popularity of the drawing. 

The winner gets some nice swag and a check for $5,000.00 from Tuaca.  I would like that!




Drawing © 2015 Marty Coleman