


Examples Please

How about a racist?  She feels exalted by virtue of her inclusion in a certain race. Other races aren’t as good as her race, as proven by ‘history’. How does she sustain this belief? By ignoring the ten thousand truths that prove the ‘history’ (and thus the belief) is incomplete and wrong.

And a Sexist? He feels exalted by his status as the ‘stronger’ sex. He is bigger, faster, stronger, smarter than a woman. In addition, his religion and his tradition says it’s so. How does he sustain this belief? By ignoring the ten thousand truths that prove his religion and tradition are incomplete and wrong.

Why Yoga?

Then why do I have a person practicing Yoga in the drawing instead of a drawing of a racist or sexist? 

Good question. What’s your answer?


© 2015 Marty Coleman

Quote by Alexander Pushkin, 1799-1837, Russian author and poet

“The illusion that exalts us is dearer to us than ten thousand truths”