It may be another week but it’s still the perfect day to continue my perfection series.

Being perfect is being alone

Do you know anyone who is perfect? See, proves my point. All perfect people are alone.  And all who pretend to be perfect, they end up alone too. Maybe not physically alone, but emotionally and socially they quite likely will be.  This will be especially true if they combine their perfection with judgment.

But wasn’t Jesus perfect?  Personally I don’t think he was.  I think he had imperfect reactions at times.  For example, I think he was often annoyed and impatient with his followers (including his mother) instead of being understanding and patient.  Realistically, I think he might have been grumpy and short with people if he was too hungry.  He seems to have been harsh and a bit mean to whole groups of religious folks (the pharisees come to mind).  He certainly was inconsiderate to his parents when he stayed behind in the temple when he should have been with them on the journey home.  I think of Jesus as one who moved towards perfection much faster and with more courage than others (especially me) but I don’t think he was perfect.

Are you perfect? Or perhaps you just play a perfect person in real life?  Either way you are probably much more alone than you wish to be.  It’s not fun being #1 and alone.  I bet you will find a lot of loving people ready to support and help you when you allow your honest, imperfect self to show through.


Drawing, quote and commentary by Marty Coleman, who humbly submits that he has perfected the art of being imperfect.