Wealth #7 2014

Prosperity Doctrine

In American Christianity, there is a sect that preaches what is known as the ‘Prosperity Doctrine’.  In essence it says simply, God want you to be prosperous and if you obey him properly you will be.  This is actually not a new phenomenon.  At the beginning of Christianity you have Jesus preaching again and again about money and it’s trappings. Why did he preach on that? Because it was a big problem in the society he lived in just as it is now.

What Money Gets You

People want a lot of money because it will give them security.  You can have an alarm system on your house to keep Miss Scarlet from breaking in and hitting you on the head with a candlestick in the library. 

People want a lot of money because it will give them prestige and power.  You can join a Country Club and get your photo in the Society Page of the local paper.

People want a lot of money because they can then purchase fancy things that stimulate their senses. You can buy his and her fragrance producing drones to hover over your side of the bed at night.

When Money Gets You

And that is what Jesus, among other sages past and present, have warned against. It’s not money that is the problem, it’s the constant desire for more of it that is.  And the supposed cure, having enough money, is actually the thing causing the disease since it turns out riches enlarge, rather than satisfy appetites.




Drawing and commentary by Marty Coleman

Quote is Anonymous
