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I just finished reading a book called ‘The Innovators’ by Walter Isaacson. I highly recommend it. It’s the history of the computer and digital revolution.  It’s an amazing story of people trying something that people before them said couldn’t be done. It’s the story of people fiddling around in their garages and workbenches; experimenting, failing, experimenting again and again, sometimes not even really knowing specifically what it is they are reaching for. They knew it had never existed before and that is exciting.  It’s the story of collaboration, trusting others on a team to be both rigorous in their work and open minded in their willingness to attempt things that have never been attempted.  It’s the story of people respecting and understanding ideas and inventions already in existence but not being limited by those same ideas and inventions.

This Is How It’s Done

One of the hardest things for a person who has been at the same company a long time to do is let the new people make their own discoveries about what works and doesn’t work in the business.  This is also true of parents with kids and of coaches with athletes. In these cases we think we can see the best way to do something, whether it’s how to close a sale, cook a roast or do an exercise. We know because we have done it so many times, right? It’s good to have training in place so new workers can know how something is done properly. It’s good to have your child in the kitchen with you so you can show them how to prepare the roast properly.  It’s good to show the athlete how to lift the weights properly.  

This Is the New Way It’s Done

But there comes a time when they have ideas of their own. Maybe they see a flaw in your method. Maybe they have figured out a shortcut. Maybe something about the process just doesn’t make sense to them.  Or maybe they are bored and just want to try something new.  What do you do then?  You let them try the new ideas.  Of course, we aren’t talking about allowing something dangerous. But something new and untried? Why not?

It’s what makes the world progress.

Drawing and commentary © 2016 Marty Coleman |

Quote by Benjamin Franklin