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Creating a Coward

This quote starts with an assumption. It assumes we are all cowards. It’s just that some are more cowardly than others. Now, I don’t think in most cases that means intrinsically some are more cowardly.  I think it means circumstances, both internal and external, have made some turn and run. And it some cases it’s made people stay and fight but use really stupid and ineffective strategies in that fight.

So, if you want power in these situations one way to do it is to not just imagine someone is a greater coward than you are, but actually create the conditions where the other person has reached the point where they must turn and run. Or, if they do stay and fight, they are so overwhelmed that they fight ineffectively.

In either case, one of the best ways to do it is to have overwhelming force.  In other words, 3 pussy cats are better than one when fighting the orange man with the yellow cotton candy on his head.  30 is better than 3 and 300 million are better than 30.

Drawing and commentary © 2016 Marty Coleman | napkindad.com

Quote by Ludwig Börne, 1786-1837, German journalist