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The Orange Promise

The Orange Man promises. The Orange Man knows promising things is easy. He promises to pay people and they believe him. He promises to build things like walls and people believe him. He promises he can fix things for people and they believe him. He promises to make things great and people believe him.

The Orange Promise

The Orange Man doesn’t care about what happens after the promise is made. He doesn’t care because he knows how to blame other people for him breaking promises. He is very good at both breaking promises and blaming others for the breaking. He is good at it because he believes it. He believes nothing is his fault. He believes he has never done anything wrong. He believes he always knows what is right to do, even when he doesn’t know anything about the topic he is dealing with.

The Orange Brain

The Orange Man knows this because he has a good brain. He knows this because he thinks smart things. He knows he doesn’t need to study anything because he is so smart. He knows he doesn’t have to listen to others’ ideas about things because he is smarter than they are.  He knows this because he has good DNA.  He knows he was born smart, as well as good looking.

The Orange Attraction

The Orange Man knows women find him attractive. He knows they can’t keep their hands off of him because he is the most famous orange man in the world.  He knows it is his right to do whatever he wants to whatever woman he wants because he is so smart and so good looking and so rich and so famous. He knows this because he does it and he doesn’t get in trouble.

The Orange Matters

The Orange Man knows he is the only person who matters in the world.  He knows this because the only person who matters in the world told him so.

The End 

Drawing and commentary © 2016 Marty Coleman |

Quote by George Santayana, 1863-1952, Spanish born Philosopher, Essayist and Poet