Dog gone it if it ain’t day #3 of Dog and Cat week at the NDD!

Dogs and Cats 3

I open the door for the dogs and Wiggle Dog comes in at a full gallop, even if I just let her out.  Stubby Dog comes pretty close behind, unless it’s particularly nice out, in which case she put on her cat persona and looks at me with that ‘aren’t you going to come out and play?’ look.  Normal Cat meanwhile wants to come in.  I know she wants to come in because she is whining at the window telling me so.  I know she will trail behind the dogs, but what I haven’t quite gotten used to is the fact that I need to put my winter coat on because she will take SO LONG to get to the door that I get a little bit of frostbite otherwise.

She also happens to be the only one of our four legged roommates who has been almost arrested for breaking and entering.  She scared the bejesus out of a neighbor once by going in through their doggy door and rubbing up against her leg while she stood at the sink washing dishes.  To say she freaked was an understatement.  I got her off serving time by my charm and a well-timed bribe to the cat police. She still owes me.

Drawing and funny story by Marty Coleman, who once painted his picket fence to match his dalmatian, Oreo.

dalmatian fence

Oreo and her fence

Quote by Mary Bly, 1962 – not dead yet, American author under the pen name Eloisa James