
I was thinking this morning that I would make 2011 ‘The Year of Every Little Thing’.  When I mentioned it on twitter my friend, Linda Franklin, responded saying;

‘That sounds like a plan. Every moment counts right? … I keep reminding myself how important this moment is – even when something not so great is going on.’

That got me thinking and I distilled that idea into the quote above.  My first thought when she wrote that was actually Stephen Covey’s lesson about Production vs Production Capability.  The idea is that you have to produce, it’s true, but if you don’t have the capability to produce you won’t. So not only do you have to figure out how to use your time in action, you have to know how to use your time to find resources, come up with ideas and replenish energy and drive.  

So, if you are one of those who think down time is wasted time, think again.  Just as muscles need to recover to be of use to you in your next physical challenge, your mind, your heart and your purpose in life ALSO need to rest and recover to be of value.

So, enough guilt about down time, enjoy it and let it replenish you, ok?

Drawing, commentary and quote by Marty Coleman of The Napkin Dad Daily