Do you see? Today is #4 in the Research series!


research 4


My Daughter Led the Way

One of the things I love about having a daughter who is a scientist is how it’s turned my attention to science as well. I read up on it as best I can and I like to watch shows on it. I don’t pretend to know much, but it’s an amazing path to follow, never ending in it’s ability to surprise.

Art and Science

I also find more and more how similar being a scientist is to being an artist.  Yes, science has a certain rigor and a much more detailed protocol for everything that creating artwork usually doesn’t have, but the essence of discovery comes from the same spot in our minds.  That spot is an open, non-judgmental space that tells us we are free to explore.  Both scientists and artists believe that the joy of exploration is it’s own reward. But we also know another truth and that is that when you do explore with freedom, lack of fear and judgment, moral or otherwise, you are very likely to discover things of importance.

See the rest of the Research Series here.  Scroll down to see them all.


Drawing and commentary by Marty Coleman

Quote by Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, 1893-1986, Hungarian physiologist.  Discoverer of Vitamin C and winner of the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1937.
