My late father-in-law, Dwight Johnson, who I have mentioned a number of times, was a photography buff. He was always taking photos of the family and of stuff.  It was to the point where I sometimes felt he wasn’t really experiencing the event or scene, just recording it for future sharing or memories.

Now I am a photographer and have Flickr and Facebook and Twitter and a digital camera and an iPhone.  Next thing you know I am seeing things the same way.  I am wanting to both experience and record the event and I want to share it.  

But I always make a point to experience it first, I want to know what it is I am recording. Last night for example we had incredible thunderstorms coming in from the west at sunset. I had to get out in the backyard and take the pics right then or it was over.  I experienced the wind, the humidity, the wildly flying birds being blown about.  I experienced the clouds taking shape, the light moving around the edges, the rising mountains and deep crevices of the clouds and the flashes of lightning.  In some ways I feel like I experienced it even more intensely because I had my camera in hand.  I was anticipating, waiting, watching, feeling changes happen.

But I know it is a different type of experience than simply looking at something.  But overall I feel blessed being able to share the visual world I experience with others so I am not sure I would change a thing.

Drawing and commentary © Marty Coleman

“Technology: the knack of so arranging the world that we don’t have to experience it.” – Max Frisch, 1911,1991, Swiss architect, playwright and novelist