Yesterday we wondered why, if evolution were true, mothers don’t have more hands. 

Well, today I solved that problem.


Working Mother - Mothers #2



The Stay at Home Mom (SAHM) supposedly that means they don’t ‘work ‘at home, they just ‘stay’ at home.  Those that ‘work’ at home, they are WAHMs. The Work at Home Mom combines some sort of job, all the way from part-time self-employed to full time corporate employment, with the bulk of the domestic activities.  And then there are the WAWs (I just made this up). The Work at Work mothers go someplace to work and then come home. And then there are the WAHWEEs (I made this up too).  Those are the ‘Work at Home & Work & Everywhere Else’ moms.  

Most of the women I know, including my wife, sisters, oldest daughter and many friends, are WAHWEEs.  In other words, all mothers are working mothers. They do it all and they are awesome.  


Drawing and commentary by Marty Coleman

Quote by Jane Sellman, American author and college professor
