Live on the Air

I have recently started to use a new app on my ipad called Periscope. It’s live video with chat interaction.  People watch you live and they can text messages, questions, etc. Those messages scroll up the screen as the video plays.  You can then save those videos and post them wherever you want; Youtube, Facebook, etc.

I decided to do a Napkin Dad Show, showing my studio and me drawing a napkin. I did the show in several parts for a few reasons; first, the videos take up a lot of memory and take time to upload if they are too long so breaking them up is easier. And second, showing the entire process is boring. It’s just like in cooking demonstrations. They show you bits and pieces and then show you the finished product, which they had made prior to the filming.  It’s kind of like that with doing art.  

Here’s my first in the series. It’s about 5 minutes long.

The Napkin Dad Show – How I Do My Drawings, Part 1




Video and writing © 2015 Marty Coleman