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Beauty equals Good

It didn’t start with Disney of course, but Disney certainly popularized it for those of raised in the 20th and beginning of the 21st century. The idea that in a story about good vs evil you must visualize the good as having traditional beauty and the evil as having traditional ugliness. And it’s easy to understand the desire to have it that way. It makes understanding good and evil simple since all you have to do is search for outer beauty and you find the good and same for the opposite.



And then came Fiona.  Fiona and Shrek turned the beauty equals goodness idea on it’s head.  One message that it sent, a message you hear often is, that true beauty isn’t on the outside, it’s on the inside. But there was a more important message that it sent. And that is that beauty is not universal.  Shrek didn’t find the ‘human’ Fiona all that pretty.


But when the curse was broken and she turned back into what she had been, a female ogre, Shrek suddenly saw beauty.  His kind of beauty. She she saw it in him as well.  Both lessons are important to learn.


Inner Beauty

Yes, the cliche is true. Inner beauty matters. And yes, who you are on the inside is what decides your goodness, not your outer beauty.

Outer Beauty

HOWEVER, we do have an outer. Outer, in spite of what so many would like to believe, not only exists, but matters when discussing beauty.  Our eyes are not dismissible any more than our other senses. Nobody says what we smell doesn’t matter and nobody says what we hear doesn’t matter. Those things do matter. And what we see matters as well.  Having a personal sense of what you find beautiful is not a bad thing, whether looking at a sunset or a hunky fireman.

What is also true though is it is not ALL that matters. If you think and behave as if it does you will very likely end up shallow, egotistical and hurt.

The Inner and Outer Blend

You know how celebrity couples now have one name?  Branjolie, Bennifer, Kimye.  What would the world for Inner AND outer beauty couple be? Ounter? Inter? Ounner?  Who knows. But there should be a word for it because it is what most of us want in our lives.  We want to look good and we want to be good, right? We want our outer to be the outer visual expression of our inner.  We know not everyone is going to find us attractive, but we would like someone to find us attractive. We know not everyone is going to believe we are good. But we want those who know us to believe we are.

How to?

So, how do we make that happen?  It’s no different than anything else we hope to achieve. We practice. The bottom line is you will not become good without practicing being good and you will not have outer beauty without practicing having outer beauty.  

If that means time in the gym to make your body what you want it to be, then that’s what you have to do. If it means time spent serving others, caring for those in need, giving your time and attention to others, then that’s what you have to do.  And they aren’t exclusive. You can and should be your best inner self while at the gym and you can and should be your best outer self while serving others.

Matters Most

But which one matters most?  The inner does. That is the one that transcends the outer.  It is where kindness, forgiveness, patience, gentleness, sympathy, empathy, and love reside. Because it is true: Beautiful people are not always good, but good people are always beautiful.


Drawing and commentary © 2015 Marty Coleman |

Quote by Anonymous