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You might think this quote is backwards. That the mind is what listens to your body, not the other way around, and you would be right. But the larger truth is that it is not a one way conversation. It’s not a monolog, it’s a dialog. Your body listens to what you say and think.  Think negatively and your body will respond to that over time.  Be hypochondriacal and your body will find a way to show you more and more things ‘wrong’ with you.

Positive Realism

One the other hand, speak and think positively about your body where it is at right now and you are helping your body.  Positive doesn’t mean delusional. It does no good to say to your body “You are in GREAT shape body, good job!” if your body is in terrible shape, right?  It’s about stating the truth to your body. “Body, we are here now, in this shape, at this age, in this condition.” The key is to not follow that statement with this one, “And body, because you are in this shape, I hate you, blame you and am giving up on you.”  Just say the first sentence and do away with the judgment of the second sentence. Once you say the first sentence, but avoid the second, to your body, then you can move forward and transform or maintain your body as you wish.  No judgment mean no negativity, just positive realism. And that starts with speaking truth to yourself, both your mind and your body.

What do you think? Does your body listen to your mind?

Drawing and commentary © 2016 Marty Coleman |

Quote by Naomi Judd, 1946 – Not dead yet, American singer/songwriter, author, public speaker, nurse.