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Name It

You name it and if you have enough of something it can’t be overcome.  Here are some examples:

  • Bacteria
  • Heat
  • Noise
  • People
  • Love
  • Pain
  • Stupidity
  • Anger
  • Girl Scout Cookies

They are all made up of individual parts, but put them together and they become unstoppable.  One angry person? Put handcuffs on him.  10,000 angry people?  You have a violent mob riot that can’t be contained with handcuffs.


I read a book called ‘The Innovators’  by Walter Isaacson earlier this year.  It is the story of the invention and development of the computer and the internet revolution.  A big argument that came up mid-20th century was who actually developed the first computer.  There was this guy at Iowa State University, John Atanasoff, working in his University lab who came up with the idea for a computer and started to build it. But he had no team of engineers and machinists to overcome this one issue of making holes in punchcards. Because of that work stopped, WWII started and he went off to war.  Meanwhile, John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert were doing the same thing at Penn State. But they developed a team that could fill all the roles necessary to make the idea come to life. In 1945 their machine, ENIAC, became operational and they are now the ones credited with making the first true computer.  The difference? a team instead of an individual.

Drawing and commentary © 2016 Marty Coleman |

Quote by Vesta M. Kelly