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Good and Bad

This might sound like a terrible thing.  You are going to have trouble no matter what you choose? That sucks. But that isn’t really the end of the story, is it?  Beyond each danger maybe there is a blessing, right?  Then again, beyond each blessing who knows, maybe another blessing, maybe another danger.

Looking Back

Many people, when they reach a certain point in life look back and say, ‘Everything that has happened in the past, good and bad, has led me to this point.’  Isn’t that another way of saying that those seemingly bad things that happened really weren’t that bad and the good things that happened weren’t necessarily all that good?

Here and Now

Looking back is one thing, it’s easy to do. But what if you avoided this yin yang of categorizing everything into gain or loss as the events happened? What if you experienced them in your mind as as neutral events instead? How would that help your health, both physical and mental, while living in the present AND looking at the future?  Less stress, less judgment, less worry, less anxiety might be the result.  More peace, more happiness, more confidence might also be the result.  It’s something to think about.

The Chinese Farmer

There is a famous old story about a chinese farmer who did just that.  Here is a great animation that tells the story. It is being told by Alan Watts, a deep thinker who delved into Taoist philosophy.

Brain Pickings

One of my favorite websites is ‘Brain Pickings‘.  You can read more about Alan Watts and his ideas on fortune and misfortune there. There you can also find links to more in depth sites dealing the Watts, his philosophy and books.

Drawing and commentary © 2016 Marty Coleman |

Quote is a Dutch proverb