The key is in the digestion. How does it become you? It becomes you by being eaten in your stomach by all sorts of nasty stuff that you don’t want to know about, mainly acids, enzymes and bacteria. Yum.

I had a conversation a while back with a friend who stated that no argument ever changed her mind. She went on to describe that she once was a conservative, fundamentalist christian; anti-homosexual, anti-feminist, anti-abortion, anti-everyone who didn’t believe what she believed.

She is no longer like that. She now believes that homosexuals are equal to anyone else and should have the exact same rights as everyone else. She believes that other religions have just as much ‘truth’ in them as does Christianity and she doesn’t see any need to try to change them. She has changed her own religion to Paganism. All the while she said that arguments don’t ever persuade her. And maybe that is true.

It made me think that maybe the argument is the meal on the plate before you eat it. The change in belief is after you have eaten and the arguments have had time to digest inside you and become part of you.

What do you think?

Drawing © Marty Coleman

“Nothing is more ‘original’ than to feed on others, as long as you digest. A Lion is made of sheep.” – Paul Valery 1871-1945, French guy