To Be Trusted – updated 2017

Day two of ‘Trust’ week here at the Napkin Dad Daily. I am basically preaching to myself this week. This isn’t because I am not a trusting person, I am. More than most probably. I assume the best of intentions, I assume people will do what they say they are going to do. It doesn’t always happen, but I would rather get burned once in a while and be a trusting person than always be safe but have to trust no one.

Why I do need to hear this stuff about trust is because I am always needing to work on being a more trustworthy person. I think I am better than some, not as good as others. But I am not as trustworthy as I would always like to be. It’s a process of doing the right thing, the good thing, the promised thing, again and again and again. It takes patience and discipline, knowing boundaries and constantly remembering what I have promised.

I suppose most of us struggle with it, at least I hope I am not alone with it, am I?

Drawing and commentary © Marty Coleman

“To be trusted is a greater compliment than to be loved.” – George McDonald, 1824-1905, Scottish author and Christian minister.

Love Makes Everything Lovely; Hate Concentrates Itself On The One Thing Hated

“Love makes everything lovely; hate concentrates itself on the one thing hated.” – George McDonald

I think this might not be true. I know of many situations where the hatred for one thing, person or event has contaminated everything else around it so that eventually the hatred is universal. That is why a young man who might have been pissed about one thing long ago became a crotchety old men yelling at kids who dare to step on their front lawn. You become what you practice, and he practiced hate and resentment until it wasn’t focused at all, but was universal.

Drawing © 2022 Marty Coleman |