Do Nudists Have A Fashion Sense? – Naked vs Nude #1


The naked truth is that it’s ‘Naked Vs Nude’ week at the NDD.

When I was in graduate school I read a book called ‘About Looking’ by John Berger. In it he proposes that there is a difference in art between someone who is naked and someone who is nude.  Since I have been doing my ‘Artist I Love Winter Weekend’ series I have presented a number of art pieces in the ‘nude’ genre.  That  got me thinking about this difference between naked and nude that Berger suggests exists. I decided it would be fun to explore the idea with you.



Nudists have no fashion sense

One of the ideas Berger puts forth is that, while nakedness reveals itself, nudity does not. He says, “The nude is condemned to never being naked.  Nudity is a form of dress.”  So, if nudity is a form of dress, wouldn’t it mean that both women in this drawing have some fashion sense? What do you think?

In particular, within your experience with nudity in art, film, life, do you think there a difference between being naked and being nude?  Explain.

haha…By the way, if the clothed woman in this drawing has ‘fashion sense’ maybe being without clothes WOULD be better fashion!

See the complete ‘Naked vs Nude’ series here.


Drawing and commentary by Marty Coleman, who admits he has been more than once.

Quote by Peter Kunkel, who I think would admit it too.