The Adventures of Medusa – Medusa Studies for an Exam

Medusa Studies for an Exam – The Adventures of Medusa

Medusa needed to read her Greek Mythology book for her Ancient Religion class so she went to a local coffee house to study. She was minding her own business, drinking her cappuccino and eating her gluten-free caramel brownie when a man came up and started to talk to her. She was polite and said hello but then said she needed to study and wasn’t able to talk right then. He didn’t get the hint and kept talking to her as he leaned up against the fireplace. He started to compliment how beautiful she was and what a great body she had. He started asking her questions about her relationship status and if she came there often. She didn’t respond to him, keeping her nose squarely in her book. He got annoyed and called her a cold, snobby bitch. She turned around to look at him.  He was stone cold silent from then on.

She finished reading, took the test and passed with flying colors.

The End

You can read more by looking up ‘Adventures of Medusa’ in the ‘series’ drop down menu on the right.


Drawing and story © 2018 Marty Coleman |



The Adventures of Medusa – Medusa Goes To Prom

Medusa’s big night finally arrived. She was going to prom!  She picked up her date, a boy named Rock, at his house. Boy, were his parents surprised! Medusa introduced herself and tried to make them feel comfortable, but they were rather stiff. She made small talk with them, very small talk, while Rock finished getting ready (he had to tie his bow tie 14 times before he got it right).

Rock was scared to go to prom with Medusa but was even more scared of saying no to her. He had heard rumors about what happened to people who crossed Medusa.  He held up ok until her hair (which consisted of snakes) loosened up a bit and started slithering over towards him during the prom pictures.  He didn’t have a good night after that.

Drawing and story © 2018 Marty Coleman |


Medusa Thwarts a Killer

The Adventures of Medusa

Medusa Thwarts a Killer

Medusa was going to pick up her daughter at school. As she sat in her car she heard gunshots. She ran into the school and saw the gunman. He was turned away from her and shooting people in the hallway. Because he wasn’t looking at her she had to actually attack him instead of just looking at him. Her secret weapon, which many people do not know about, is that her hair, which is made of snakes, is both venomous and constricting. She was able to wrap her hair around him before he know what happened and bite him. She then took his gun and bent it so it could no longer shoot. When he finally turned around and saw her he did what all people do who incur the wrath of Medusa, he turned to stone.

Her daughter was safe and all those who were shot survived. Another thing many people do not know about Medusa is that when she turns someone to stone it isn’t forever. It only lasts as long as she is angry. The gunman, who got his gun from his garage where his dad kept it in a box, was later convicted of attempted murder and spent 25 years in prison. He died choking on a tater tot.

Medusa was given the Key to the City and The Medal of Gratitude by the Mayor in honor of her heroism.

The End

Drawing and short story © 2018 Marty Coleman |

Medusa Walks the Runway

The Adventures of Medusa

Medusa Walks the Runway

Medusa decided she wanted to be a model.  She went to Stone Mountain Modeling School and got a job as a runway model. She walked for the famous House of Gorgon but wore an outfit no one really liked. They sat stone-faced as she walked by and, Medusa being Medusa, you know what happened next.

The End

Medusa Being Attacked By Bats

The Adventures of Medusa, part 5

Medusa was finally so depressed about her life situation and how she kept turning people stone without meaning to that she went to live in a cave. But then bats attacked her. She turned the bats to stone but didn’t realize that stone bats still can fly and attack. Now what should she do?

The End

Medusa Getting Her Hair Straightened

The Adventures of Medusa

Medusa never goes to the hair stylist because her hair is very hard to tame.  But she was going to a big ball honoring her contribution to the new Herpetology exhibition at the Zoo and wanted to try something new.  She showed the stylist a picture of a famous celebrity and told her she wanted hair like that. The stylist did her best but it wasn’t good enough and she never went back.

Drawing and short story © Marty Coleman |

To see more of Medusa’s adventures in daily life use the ‘series’ drop down menu on the right and click on ‘Adventures of Medusa’.

Medusa Running Into a Fierce Dog

Adventures of Medusa #4

Medusa is a runner. She only runs 3/4 marathons. She always runs alone and never carries any mace, pepper spray, knife or gun. She was running in the wilds of Colorado the other day and a dog jumped out of a whole in the ground and tried to attack her.  It didn’t end well for the dog.

The End

Drawing © Marty Coleman |


Medusa Doing Yoga with her Cat


The Adventures of Medusa #1

Little known fact about Medusa. She actually does not turn things to stone just by looking at them. It’s only when she gets mad at them that it happens.  Her cat, ironically named ‘Rocky’, clawed her belly during Yoga and that was that.

Drawing © Marty Coleman |