The Dangerous Pleasure of an Idea

What idea do you get just a bit too much pleasure out of? That is your most dangerous idea because, just like a passionate but toxic relationship, it’s the idea that is blinding you to red flags. You are so enamored of it, get so much pleasure from believing it that you forego the usual checks and balances you have on new ideas. Next thing you know you are deep into it and feel like you have invested too much to turn away. This is not true. It only has power when you hold on to it. Drop it like a bad dream and see how it’s power fades as you move away from it.

You won’t regret it.

“The average man does not get pleasure out of an idea because it is true. He thinks it is true because he gets pleasure out of it.”

© 2021 Marty Coleman |

Quote by H. L. Mencken

America, Where Art Thou?

America, Where Art Thou?

Enablers all,
That’s what we are.
Funny not funny,
We made him a star.

We thought it was TV,
Just another show.
Now we’ve learned,
Truth is a foe.

Fake is truth,
Truth is fake.
How much more
Can we take?

A lot more,
is my guess.
Because none of us
Will confess.

Confess our sin
Of apathy,
Or admit our own

What disease is that?
you may ask.
Ask someone else,
Is your task.

I can’t be bothered,
I’m busy tonight
at my religion class,
That’ll prove I’m right.

The End

© 2018 Marty Coleman |


The American Journey #1



Periscope’s Influence

I have started to Periscope myself drawing my napkins and sketchbook drawings. This one ended with a really cool revelation that I want to tell you about.

I drew the quote and the tree with the snake first. It was to be about travel since I had just gotten back from our London/Paris adventure. One of the people watching suggested I have the quote go around in a circle and I adapted that idea to have the first half go across the top and down the side. But then I decided to make the second have a more traditional bubble so it would be easier to read.

My Thought Process

I came back 2 days later and, while scoping, talked about how to illustrate the quote.  I thought of what would symbolize ‘the end’ and the idea of a hammock, the ultimate resting spot, would be cool to bracket the bottom.  I have an actual hammock in my backyard so I decided to draw in stripes as mine has, plus they would help create the bottom curve holding the image in. The hammock would be empty since the quote is about the journey is what matters in the end, not the end, right? 

I decided to draw someone walking, perhaps just having gotten up from the hammock. She was naked at first. I drew the path up to a mountain and then was a bit stuck. What was going to happen behind her? The idea came to me that maybe the path could be never ending, leading off behind her to perhaps the same place she will find going forward.

Breaking out of a Pattern

Right about then someone said maybe the middle area between the path could be a body of water. One of the things I like about Periscoping is that people through out their ideas and it sort of breaks me out of my typical drawing response. I have the type of water I draw, the type of mountains, of people etc. So it’s fun when someone suggests something that makes me view the possibilities a bit different. So, that is what I did, I drew the middle area being a body of water, like a bay or lagoon. 

All this was done before any coloring took place (except the tree and snake on the side).

Conscious Choices, Unconscious Results

Once I had the stripes on the hammock the idea came to me to make it a rainbow. This wasn’t hard to come up with since the marriage equality ruling had just come down from the Supreme Court the day before.  

Then I had to decide whether to keep the walker naked or not. It really made no sense given the quote and the image so I drew in shoes, shorts and a top.  I wanted her to pop so I made her shorts red.  I had a lot of green and blue in the background so I was trying to figure out the top, considering purple. But in the end I thought a darker blue would still stand out and colored it in.

Then I had to decide what color to make the walker.  I put the drawing up for the periscopers to see and when I did that, and was able to see it on the screen it hit me. The walker was red, white and blue.  And what is coming up this week? 4th of July. At that moment the whole drawing changed. It wasn’t just a walker journeying.  It was an American. And it was the American journey into and beyond Marriage equality. 

Good Art is More than the Artist Intends

I had no intention AT ALL for it to be about that. None of my choices were consciously leading to that. But I went with the unconscious flow, my creative choice flow and it came out to be something I believe in but didn’t intend. 

I love that about art.

You can find me on Periscope daily. I am @thenapkindad there and on twitter.


Quote by Earnest Hemingway, 1899-1961, American author

Drawing and commentary © 2015 Marty Coleman /