Who is Your Ideal? – The Ideal Series #2

Do you realize that today is day 2 of The Ideal Series?

idealism 2

The Creative Real

I believe art is at its best when it refines and distills something real.  But what is real to an artist?  Is it beauty? Form? Color? Humanity? Nature?  Or something else entirely?

The Creative Ideal

I believe art is at its best when it refines and distills something ideal.  But what is ideal to any artist? Is it beauty? Form? Color? Humanity? Nature?  Or something else entirely?

The Ideal Real

I love art because it’s up to me to define both my ideal and my real.  They are symbiotic, living with each other as lovers.  They love and fight and make up again and again and again.

Who is your ideal and your real?  Are they lovers or fighters or both?


Drawing and commentary by Marty Coleman, who ideally would have a real house at an ideal beach with his real wife.

Quote by W. C. Gannett, 1840-1923, Unitarian Pastor and leader, along with his wife Mary Louis Gannett, of the Women’s Suffrage movement


Trivia question from yesterday answered:

Question: Who opened the first kindergarten in the US?

Answer:  Margarethe Meyer-Schurz, wife of yesterday’s quote author
